Hi, I’m Tom – the fellow on the left in the picture…

This site is entirely my endeavor to help Singles young and old to find true love. I am an independent and free-spirited human who sees the value of modern courtship as an essential tool for Singles of all walks of life to find that significant other for that life-long relationship of true love.
I am a native of Germany, educated as a civil engineer, and graduated from the Unification Theological Seminary with studies in philosophy and religion under my belt. I later worked for many years as a mid-level administrator in the fundraising division at a California State University. Before taking early retirement, I also spend time at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and there learned a lot about consciousness.
Am still living in the glorious, but expensive San Francisco Bay area.

My spouse Christine and I were introduced to each other by the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, and we participated in the Blessing ceremony of 2,075 couples at Madison Square Garden, New York in 1982.
My motto in life has always been to “believe that life is worth living and live a worthy life.”
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