Personality Test for Free!

Say something smart about yourself?

The Personality Test is currently unavailable due to a software glitch.
We all love to take a personality test for free, don’t we? Do you remember what the last test you took said about you? Did you write it down somewhere, make a note of it? Would you know what to say if someone interested in you would ask you what type of person you are?
Well, you are not alone. But when you get ready to look for that Mr. Right or Ms. Perfect, you better be prepared to have something smart to say about yourself. Take one of our personality tests for free!
We understand that behind every user on True Love Singles is a human being, with a personality waiting to be discovered. With that in mind, we went out and looked around for decent personality tests. The ever so popular and aging Meyers-Briggs does cost some money to run, so we did not bite. In the end, we came across Traitify, a promising start-up company working to make personality a core element of social engagement.
True Love Singles now features their diverse set of fun, visual tests used to uncover personality types and traits. As of today, Traitify’s website says that “Traitify is the only visual personality assessment that can be completed in just minutes.” You simply select “Me” or “Not Me” to a brief series of images, and voila, within a few minutes you receive valuable insights about yourself.
We tried it on ourselves and were amazed at the simplicity of the tests and their dead-on-target accuracy in terms of describing our personality types. You ought to do yourself a favor and give it a try as well.
Personality blends are a combination of the individual’s top two dominant personality types. Like individual personality types, blends can be used to predict preferences, strengths and compatibility in different contexts.

Take insights with a grain of salt!
However, we’ll ask you to take any personality test with a grain of salt. You perhaps know that. Subsequently, there are no proven rules (to our knowledge) that reliably govern matchmaking between people based on personality types. Alive people can be too complicated and unpredictable on one hand and too adaptable and accommodating on the other to fit neatly into any psychological models.
So, we don’t do matchmaking on this site. But we give you some tools (personality tests, informative blog, profiles, directory, etc.) to add to your toolbox for finding that significant other.
The personality insights gained from these tests foster self-discovery, help evaluate compatibility with another promising Single, and aid in decision making about intimate relationships.

Copy test results to your profile!
Each test can only be taken once by a user, and the test result will display thereafter for a limited time. So, what do you do with the valuable insights gained after taking a test, without losing them?How about you copy the text of your test result and paste it into the Personality field within your Profile. Then, those users of this site whom you have given permission to peruse your profile and who are interested in you can read up and instantly get to know you better! And don’t forget to upload a profile picture of yourself as well.
So, who are you?
The registration code is: passion
Free registration!