Fat-free Fun for True Love Singles!

Some of us had some fat-free fun at Jack London Square in Oakland, California a few weeks ago. Fat-free fun? At Jack London Square? In Oakland, California? Yes, why not. But this blog post is about the fat-free fun, not the location. Our kind of fun can be had just about anywhere.
Dancing Under The Stars, a public dance event at Jack London Square in Oakland.Doing the electric slide or macarena really helps keep young and old in shape, both physically and mentally. It will not make you gain weight. And doing it with another promising Single i-s s-o m-u-c-h m-o-r-e f-u-n.
A dance party is a social gathering where dancing is the primary activity. Some dance parties, such as the one in the video, are held in a casual setting and open to the public. Dance parties are happening in many places in many countries.
You may search the meetup.com website for dance events in your area. Meetup is an online portal that facilitates offline group meetings in various localities around the world. Meetup allows members to find and join groups unified by a common interest, such as politics, books, games, movies, health, pets, careers or hobbies. One day – we hope – you might find True Love Single meetups posted here and on that site.

As a matter of fact, if you would like to start a True Love Singles group in your area, you’ll have our total support. Just let us know! True Love Singles is still growing and we are looking for affiliates to help us grow faster. Becoming an affiliate will probably also earn you a few extra bucks.
You may also try a Google search and see if you find such a dance event in your neighborhood. And if you do, consider yourself lucky. Invite a promising Single to do the macarena with you! Bring your friends along if you wish, and dance your heart out…
Please join us the next time around, or start your own event!
This Dancing Under The Stars event was hosted by Jack London Square.
The registration code is: passion
Free registration!